keskiviikko 19. joulukuuta 2018


Yesterday we learned to name some winter clothing by playing and coloring.

At first we played a game where we placed our clothing Pictures upside down. Each child took one card at the time and we named the clothing pictures together.

Next task was to find a pair to the picture and attach it to our new board.

After we had found all 15 pairs we made some coloring pictures together
and named the colours and clothing at the pictures.

Clothing song:

maanantai 17. joulukuuta 2018

New Learning Materials From Avainsäätiö®

Last week we got these new learning materials from Finnish company called Avainsäätiö.

We got a new calendar where we can put pictures of our functions for each day of the week.
We also got two necklaces where's handy pictures to use in a different kind of situations. 
For example look, listen, sit down, walk, wait, be silent, sleep, eat and so forth.

And then we got a wonderfull teaching material to support our pronunciation skills. With this suujumppakansio we can improve our pronunciation skills in funny and effective ways. The folder contains exercises from the following areas: blowing, sucking, tonque movemet, lip movement and D-exercises. It also has a category where it's told how to link the mouth exercises to different kind on plays and games. It also has many pictures to support learning.

Word Puzzle English

Last week we got some new learning games and other learning materials.
One of them was this word puzzle, which we played with some of the children.

Sanapalapeli Englanti - Word Puzzle English
Finding the right pieces.

So long line! We made one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, TEN puzzles!

These words we found.

maanantai 12. marraskuuta 2018

English With Nikki: Names And Body Parts

Hello hello! Can you clap your hands?

Hello hello! Can you stamp your feet?

Hello hello! Can you turn around?

Hello hello! Can you sit down?

Today we made handicrafts.
We drew our faces at the round circle
and glued our own nametags to the paper.

Everyone drew their eyes, ears, mouth, nose and hair. 
Some even draw their legs, arms, chin and forehead!

On the last few weeks we've been also singing few English songs 
where we can learn our names and some body parts.

What's Your Name?
Hello hello! What's your name?
Hello Hello! What's your name?
My name is ------
And my name is ------
Nice to meet you!

One Little Finger

torstai 8. marraskuuta 2018

Super Simple Songs® DVDs!

On Tuesday we became a happy owners of 
the complete collection of Super Simple Songs® DVDs! 

These four titles contain 80 favorits.
We've been previously singing:

How's The Weather
Hello Hello!
If You're Happy
Old MacDonald
Put On Your Shoes
One Little Finger
Rain Rain Go Away
The Wheels On The Bus
Walking Walking
See You Later, Alligator
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Baby Shark
The Itsy Bitsy Spider 
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes
Wag Your Tail
Open Shut Them
Walking In The Jungle

...So Now we have many new Super Simple Songs to watch and sing along!

Thank you

tiistai 23. lokakuuta 2018

Word Bucket - Sanasankko

Word Bucket is a funny way for learning
to name and sort different things.

All you need is two different colored buckets
and some objects or pictures.

Our first sorting task is to name animals from the pictures 
and sort those pictures to right buckets.
 At the pictures we have farm animals and wild animals from Finnish nature.
(Sheep, cat, dog, pig, chicken, cow, swan, fox, moose, bear, squirrel and rabbit.)

Whit bigger buckets you can sort toys or what ever objects comes to your mind.
We started our sorting game whit pictures. We'll see what we are sorting next time...

tiistai 16. lokakuuta 2018

English With Nikki: Playing With...

What's in the bag?

 What is it?

It's a colorfull blanket. In Finland we call it leikkivarjo,
but I really don't know how should we call it in English 😅

Still we know how to play with it. It goes up and down, up and down...
And when it's up we can all say hello to each other under it.
 We also know that it has three different colours in it: Blue, pink and yellow.
We also have balls which have the same colours. 

Everyone can have the same coloured ball
 than the place where they are sitting is.

...And then the balls go up and down! (And even run out sometimes.)

Story time with Hello Bear

The book is called Big Red Bath.
And with it we can learn to name some animals.

tiistai 9. lokakuuta 2018

Splash of Colours and Animal Games

Today at the morning meeting we got to know our new game called Splash of Colours.

We put all the different colored paint cans on the floor
and each child got to choose one magnetic picture from the bag.

Our task was to recognize and name the pictures,
sort out what colour are they and name the colour.
And finally find the righ colored paint can for the pictures.

This time we had these colors and pictures: 
Black hat and cat. Red apple and strawberry. Blue bird and a balloon. Orange (basket)ball and a carrot.

Purple flower and jam. Green t-shirt and peas. Yellow banana and a star. Brown teddy bear and an ice cream.

After morning meeting we played farm yard dominoes and memory game
using English while we played the games.

perjantai 5. lokakuuta 2018

English With Nikki: May 2018

A few weeks ago our English teacher
Nikki came back to teach English to us.

Nikki is with us every Monday morning
teaching English in small groups of children.

With Nikki we learn English while we play, sing, 
play games, read books and do handicrafts.

In May we have spent some time getting to know each other.

This autum Hello Bear has arriwed to our English lessons.

Sometimes the bear is hiding and we need to find it,
but still it allways greets us happily saying 
HELLO (and GOODBYE) to everyone of us!

Other topics in May have been animals and farm animals. 

We've been learning to name animals while playing with stuffet animals and reading:
Where's Spot!

Old Macdonald Had A Farm

...Singing a song about Old MacDonalds farm...

...And making colouring pictures and handicrafts.